
Charity is one of the basic pillars of ANRIA. The charity drive is extended to the members residing in UAE as well as the poor and deserved people back in INDIA. ANRIA conducts fund raising campaign for this purpose. We were able to extend our help to the families of our deceased members of our association all the past years. Focusing more on charity we have launched a revolving fund “ANRIA CARE!!” collecting contributions from members and general public. This fund is being utilized mainly for the following purposes: Financial help for Life saving Medical Treatment. Financial Help for deserving people who return back to India losing job. Financial help for continuing education of children from deserving families. Financial Help for marriage of girls from deserving families, construction of house for deserving families. “Sponsor a Child” program.
Angamaly NRI Association has set up a help cell which is intended to provide legal guidance and advice to members. A panel of prominent legal experts in the Emirate is offering free legal advice to the Association.
Angamaly NRI Association has set up a job cell to help the job seeking members of the Association. It aims at circulating information among members about job availability. Also it gives opportunity to the job seekers to post their credentials.
Our association established the Women Cell to make a unique platform for the development of its woman members by providing them opportunities to contribute towards the betterment of the association. The cell encourage greater participation and to develop responsible and value oriented leadership among woman members and thus develop the personality and leadership quality in the members.
ANRIA has set up the Kids Cell to promote a healthy development to enable our kids to reach their true potential for a successful and rewarding life. The aim is to help the kids just not only acquire necessary academic skills & knowledge but also to teach them the social values, encouraging and supporting creativity and fostering talents in them.
As a part of widening its activities and service among the NRIs belong to Angamaly region reside in the rest part of the world, ANRIA has recently set up the Global Cell. This cell will communicate with the NRI associations from Angamaly region in other countries and work out the possibility to function as a Single Global NRI Cell for the natives of Angamaly.
ANRIA has a very strong sports cell which creates & develop suitable sports infrastructure for various games. The cell facilities maximum practice sessions and organize competitions. The cell encourages sports persons and support their participation & involvement in sports& games and thus providing an opportunity for physical, health & social development.
ANRIA Arts Cell fosters the talents among the members; provide a platform for performing their literary, artistic, musical, acting and dancing abilities during various programmes. The cell arranges competitions and offer supports for the development of budding talents
The purpose of establishing the Business Cell is to identify the business firms/business personalities from Angamaly region and work out the possibility for the mutual benefit of both parties. ANRIA is honouring during various programmes the eminent business firms and personalities for their outstanding contributions to the society.